Linux Command Prompt in Color

In this modern world, basically every terminal is compatible with VT-52 terminal sequences. These includes Windows Terminal (free from Microsoft on the Microsoft Store), (on macOS) and most terminals available under Linux. Further, most of these support emoji and 256 colors. Yet, most of the advice out there on how to deal with this suggests hard-coding these escape sequences directly into your prompt. This is great, and probably will work just fine, but I find it to be painful....

19 Nov 2021 · 3 min · Gary Allen Vollink

[Tech] Web Server Notes

This is a link to my notes on how I run my web servers at home, hosted on my home servers.

30 Oct 2018 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

[Tech/PC] VirtualBox, Windows 7 and a new CPU

As I've done from time to time, this blog serves as a bit of a bench-notes of what I did.  However, maybe someone else hits the same problem, and finds my blog via search. About a month back, the new nVidia 2080 Ti card was announced.  I decided to hit up eBay to see if anyone was selling off a 1080 Ti, and I was not disappointed in the price drops....

15 Sep 2018 · 3 min · Gary Allen Vollink

[Shopping] eBuyer Beware

I know this.  Read the fine print.  I didn't do that.  The rest is geeky details having to do with rack-mountable servers. I have a 12U rack.  Sort-of an end-table next to the couch.  I have two servers.  One of them is happily racked.  The other one is awkwardly sitting sideways across the top of the rack. I jumped on eBay a week ago, looking to find the rails I need....

25 Aug 2018 · 2 min · Gary Allen Vollink