For My Floridian Friends Upcoming Hurricanes The XKCD web comic is one of my favorites. Upcoming Hurricanes The XKCD web comic is one of my favorites.
This is a bit of a meme that's been going around one of my circles of friends. It's this Enneagram test. So, after putting it off for a week, I finally decided to take the first (and longer) of the two tests presented at the link above. I will not pretend that I've actually read through what this means or what it might mean, but - generally - I have a tendency of being very central on most personality tests, so -- I've linked the whole result set, with all of the scores, so that you can see the whole picture....
So, you've heard of "Second Life"... Clark Boyd over at "The World" (BBC / WGBH) posted a blog entry with a link to a REALLY funny site, so without further introduction Get a First Life
I've used VMWare Server 2.0 Beta for about three solid hours now... Things I like. Virtual Hardware v. 7 with USB 2.0 support. Tomcat based VM monitoring, is pretty responsive. Does NOT request or attempt to "require" IIS. The Server interface, while different, remains similar.Technical -- I've loaded VMWare-Server beta on two separate Windows XP host systems (I have an Ubuntu as well, but I've had problems in the past loading both "...