
New York City - Midtown On Tuesday morning, Jen and I were both in the office and something seemed strange. If you've ever been in the upper floors of a tall building during sustained winds, you can feel the building swaying. It felt just like that.  Jen says, "Is the building moving?"  "Yes," as I realize that I shouldn't feel wind movement from the third floor.  Still not really sure what's going on, I say, "...

24 Aug 2011 · 2 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Google+ or Not

Thanks for the invites.  I have a small collection now. I can't use Google+, and here's why. I use Google Apps for Domains.  This allows me to do all sorts of things with  However, Google hasn't opened Google+ up for domains accounts yet. I /could/ use a Google account that isn't already associated with my domains account.  However, with a domains account, Google tracks my login across the browser, which means to use a different Google account, I either have to use a different browser for the other account, or I would have to log out of all Google services first....

23 Jul 2011 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Go Read Joe

Joe Klein is usually liberal, and always hopes to find the best in people, and frankly, I think we could all learn from people like him. Last night, I read an article in Time Magazine by him called, Palestinian People Power (annoyingly, Time changes the article titles on-line). It talks about how a small, and steadily growing group of young activists in the Palestinian (Isreali Occupied) regions of Isreal are working towards political goals by using peaceful protests, sit-in vigils, and demonstrations....

8 Apr 2011 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

The World vs America: Why the USA is Easy to Hate

Because of the places I've worked, and the jobs I have had while at those places, I've been able to travel to other countries.  While in these places, I've had countless hours of conversations with people from those places, most of whom have never traveled outside of their own countries.  These conversations, frequently, are about America. Today's blog started with me reading something that someone in the UK posted online after a rock concert....

19 Mar 2011 · 8 min · Gary Allen Vollink