Government Bail Out vs. Shut Down

It looks like we're going to have a Newt Gingrich style government shut-down this weekend.  A friend of mine, who will be affected by this if it happens, mentioned that it seems like this is fall-out for the bail-outs. I've heard various things about the Government bail-outs of banks, auto makers and mortgages.  So, I did a quick search, and found a really great article over at ProPublica.  This is a list of who still has money, and who paid money back already....

8 Apr 2011 · 2 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Apple Admits iPhone Can't Compete, Targets Android with Patent Suits

Admitting that the iPhone can no longer feature compete with the fast moving open source platform, Android, Apple Inc dusts off some patents that could be stretched to cover some Android features and starts filing lawsuits. Gone are the days when Apple could just tell people to use their phone and the difference in quality would be obvious.  These days, even the new Windows phones are better than iPhones, so to try to save it's market share, Apple has decided to sue instead of compete....

3 Jan 2011 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

What Crime Was Committed?

It appears that the politicians who are supposed to represent me are trying to convince me that a website, WikiLeaks, run primarily by a group of Australian citizens has, itself, done something illegal. I'm usually not one to go out of my way to question things my representatives are saying, but in this case, I feel I have to. Let me explore this a little bit (with the help of The Telegraph Timeline Reference)....

9 Dec 2010 · 3 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Watch Out! Child Playing in the Street! No, A Speed Device

Via [0], The City of West Vancouver, Canada, has unveiled the latest technology to get drivers to slow down.  A photo-realistic image of a little girl grabbing a ball, that is stretched long and flat to give the optical illusion that she is real, when viewed from a distance.  (Image from CTV, after the break.) This particular experiment has been installed near a primary school, and only be in place for a week, and there are special signs and extra patrols in the area during this period....

11 Sep 2010 · 2 min · Gary Allen Vollink