Video: Cruise Ship In Heavy Seas

From the folks at BoingBoing, this is awe inspiring in a really, really scary way. Shorter YouTube version too...

9 Sep 2010 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

St. Paul Sink Hole

There was a sink-hole in St. Paul this-morning. Ever since I heard this story about a woman who fell through a grate in Manhattan, I've been worried about sidewalk grates.  I just can't function if I have to worry about whole sidewalks, too! Someone I know sent me a PDF file that had some pictures.  This is a really huge hole.  When I first heard about it, I was thinking man-hole cover size, not SUV size....

7 Sep 2010 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Revisit: 'Attack and Muder at the Drum Tower' [Updated]

Back in August, I wrote a blog entry about the attack that occurred in the second level of the Beijing drum tower. I received a comment on that story that I deeply hope is true, but ... partly because it was anonymous (see update), and mostly because there have been no further news reports that I've been able to find, I have no way of being sure. Here is a copy of that comment:...

8 Dec 2008 · 2 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Eight Percent Lost

Washington DC As the House of Representatives are pandering to the most resentful and least educated of their respective constituents, the economists on Wall Street started another sell off. The results, about 8% loss. Of course, this depends on what index you are looking at, but 8% seems to be right about in the middle. The Dow is down 777 points or 6.98%. The Russel 1000 is down 8.69%. Nasdaq Composite is down 199 points or 9....

29 Sep 2008 · 2 min · Gary Allen Vollink