Beijing 2008 - Olympics In The Air

Last October, during the beginning of my time in Beijing, I wrote this blog post that mentioned air quality with two comparative photos. Since then, I've been following the blog of James Fallows who also has been posting photos for comparison. In the last several days -- China has done several things to try to improve the air quality for the Olympics. Temporarily shutting down most factories East of Beijing Even-Odd car restrictions...

28 Jul 2008 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

For My Floridian Friends Upcoming Hurricanes The XKCD web comic is one of my favorites.

23 Jul 2008 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Me and My Enneagram [Updated]

This is a bit of a meme that's been going around one of my circles of friends. It's this Enneagram test. So, after putting it off for a week, I finally decided to take the first (and longer) of the two tests presented at the link above. I will not pretend that I've actually read through what this means or what it might mean, but - generally - I have a tendency of being very central on most personality tests, so -- I've linked the whole result set, with all of the scores, so that you can see the whole picture....

23 Jul 2008 · 2 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Flamingo Hand

This came from one of those e-mails that people send around. It was a collection of "hand art". One that I'm sure has an online source somewhere, and if I find it, I'll link to that ... but, I thought this was interesting enough, so .. check it out.

16 Jul 2008 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink