Misplaced Pride - and Getting Over It

"You wanted to be a manager so badly, that you'd probably be a good one.  Now you are." Someone said this to me who had heard the same from someone else.  This comes from about three years ago, and was said in the context of my then current role (having moved from process and supervisory management to direct people management).  It bothered me. I first got to be in management, some 20 years ago....

14 Oct 2016 · 4 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Late Night Meeting ... Restless

I'm not sure who the audience for this is supposed to be.  Just like the blog entry I left about adding a battery holder to my 1990s era MIDI workstation, I think it's mostly just a sounding board, and notebook for myself.  Maybe some of the people who work on this project will read this, maybe not.  Anyway, it's a lot of words, and not a lot of specifics. Just got off a meeting, kicking off the third phase of a project that I've been working on for 22 months....

28 Jan 2015 · 5 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Professional Autobiography

What is a personal blog post if it isn't a snippet of autobiography anyway, right?  I've written about parts of this for my old web site (the one hosted at home).  I'm keeping this professional.  It is likely that I'll post this again at some distant point in the future, but with more detail. For most of my professional life, I've been a computer programmer or computer administrator.  This is my story....

21 Jul 2014 · 11 min · Gary Allen Vollink

Team Building Tips for Managers from Agile

I wrote the following, originally, for an ideas post at work.  Then I cleaned it up a little to take out some "my company" specific examples and posted it on Linked-In. Then I remembered that I don't post enough content to my blog anymore, so here's a post with a link to a post. https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140701163145-41328787-team-building-tips-for-managers-from-agile?trk=mp-reader-card

3 Jul 2014 · 1 min · Gary Allen Vollink